Archive for October, 2012

New Website

Monday, October 15th, 2012

Hello, all. I’ve decided to make the move to a new website. So please now point your web browsers and bookmarks to

The site makes it easier to view the comics and their pages, I’ll still have my blog on there, but it will no longer be updated on the wordpress site.

So come by and check out the new digs!


Sunday at the Park

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

If you’re an avid follower of the blog (and let’s be honest, how could you not be?) you might remember last year I posted a script to a short I wrote for a writing contest where I put a Marvel/DC spin on the classic take of “Casey at the Bat”. It’s always been a fun project in the back of my head that I was searching for an artist to bring to life.

After a long search I came across an artist named Ha Huy Hoang aka “Spendid River”. He is from Vietnam, but currently studying animation at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. His style was perfect for how I envisioned this to look and he was very excited about the idea. We’ve been slowly working on this the last few months in between his school schedule, but it is finally finished. It was a lot of fun working on this with him and we had such a great time that we are starting the process of putting together a creator owned pitch, which is very exciting.

Next we brought the amazingly talented Thomas Mauer on board to do the lettering. Thomas did the letters for the Amulet of Isanove pitch and it was an easy decision to bring him back for another project.

So that about sums it up. This has been a fun little project I’ve been slowly working on for a few years and was just something I thought would be fun to put out there.

Obviously this is not endorsed by Marvel or DC (please don’t sue me).

So take a look and please let us know what you think. If you like it I’d appreciate you passing the link on, I’d love to get as many people to see this as possible. If you don’t like it, then you obviously have bad taste and pass the link on to someone anyways, because they will more than likely appreciate what you couldn’t. Ha! Just kidding.

Hit me up on twitter @writejessewrite or send an email: writejessewrite at gmail dot com. Please visit the blogs of the other talented people involved (see links above) and check out their projects.

Have a great day!
